31 European sign languages & 24 EU spoken languages at the European Parliament

On 28 September for the first time in history there were more interpreters at work in the European Parliament than ever before: a total of 145 interpreters. Of these were 31 sign languages and the 24 official EU spoken languages.

The event "Multilingualism and equal rights in the EU: the role of sign languages" was hosted by MEP Helga Stevens. Maya de Wit and Oliver Pouliot, AIIC members and sign language interpreters frequently working at the European Parliament, presented at the event. Angela Keil, AIIC president, attended the event as well. At the same time several AIIC members sponsored sign language interpreters to become members of AIIC, by listening to their interpretations into spoken language. Thank you to all for all your support, it was a very special moment!

The following day we held an informative presentation on how to join AIIC for all sign language interpreters who had worked at the parliament the previous day. On behalf of the AIIC Sign Language Network Dounya Francois, Oliver Pouliot and Maya de Wit welcomed all attendees and the experiences of the exciting cooperation of the day before we shared as well.

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